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jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

Learning how to sprout lentils

1. Get seeds or dry lentils

2. Rinse and sort the seeds. Place the seeds into a colander and rinse them with a bbit of water. 
Pick out and trow away any that are broken, cracked or discolored. 

3. Choose a sunny, wel-drained location. Lentils grow well in both open gardens and containers. 
The key is to provide the plant with plenty of full sunlight. make sure that the soil stays moist without accumulating standin wateron the top, as tha can out the roots.

4. Follow a planting arrangement. 
In a container, try to spread your seeds out at least 1 inch (2.5cm) apart.

5. Add a trellis for mature plants. Fully grown letils can stand over 2.5 feet (76 cm) tall.
If they droop, then their flowers and seed pods can break off or touch the ground. 
Add  a low trellis to support them and wind the plants through the gaps. 
Or, secure them to bamboo supports with corron string. 

6. Water them twice aweek. Like other plats that enjoy the heat, lentils are fairly drought tolerant. 
But, they'll grow the best if you water the just to the point of moistening. 
If you press your finger against the soil, it should come away amp  but no water should rise from the pressed area. 

7. Harvest them 80 or 100 days after planting

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