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viernes, 24 de julio de 2015

Cooking Day!

Mmmmm... quina gana avui!! Després de repassar la història de Hansel i Gretel hem fet galetes de gengibre, com les que hi havia a la casa de la bruixa.... aqui teniu la recepta i les fotos del procés!

Perfect gingerbread biscuits - Perfect gingerbread biscuits
Makes about 30 biscuits depending on size
340g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
1½ tsp grated nutmeg
1½ tsp ground cloves
2 tsp ground cinnamon
3 tsp ground ginger
225g unsalted butter, softened
340g softbrown sugar
1 egg, beaten
75g crystallised ginger, finely chopped
225g icing sugar, optional
Hundreds and thousands, optional
1. Sift the flour, baking powder, salt and spices together into a mixing bowl.
2. Beat together the butter and sugar, and then add the egg, beating it in gradually, so the mixture doesn't curdle. Stir into the flour to make a dough, and then mix in the crystallised ginger.
3. Put the dough between two sheets of clingfilm, and roll out to the thickness of a £1 coin. Refrigerate for half an hour. Pre-heat the oven to 180C.
4. Cut out the biscuits, and put on a greased baking tray. Cook for about 10 minutes, and, when straight out of the oven, poke a hole in each and allow to cool on a rack before threading a ribbon through.
5. Decorate with writing icing, or sift the icing sugar, and then mix to a stiff consistency with boiling water. Brush over the cooled biscuits, and decorate with hundreds and thousands while still wet.

Have a nice weekend and see you on Monday!

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