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miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020

Paper Boats!!!

- 1 rectangular paper A4

 1. Fold the paper in half 

2. Onced folded, fold it one more time, in this case just to mark it. Open this last fold again.

3.Bring both sides from the top to the center, the line marked by the last fols we made.

4. Fold the bottom up and the corners to the back, hugging the triangle.

5. Fold the other lower corners inwards, joining the other corners (do it both sides)

6. Fold the lower fold up, so we will have a triangle and we pull the corners out from inside the triangle and there will be a square.

7. Fols the corners upwards, so we will have a smaller triangle, half the size of the square.

8. Open it again, and pull both sides outward, leaving the boat with us. If we open the inner base, the boat will be able to stand alone. 

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