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martes, 24 de marzo de 2020

Hairy Potato!

1. The first thing you have to do is put 2 or 3 tablespoons of seeds at the bottom of the stocking. 
Then fill it with lots of soil so it forms a ball the size of baseball. 
Make a knot under the ball, so that everything is compact.

2. When the ball is formed, you should pinch a little ball to make the nose, and then give it a couple of turns. Then you can tie it with a thread to it doesn’t get loose.

3. The last thing is to decorate the doll. 
A mouth and a nose can be glued so that they do not not fall off.

4. Once it is decorated, put the doll in a small pot, or you can use a glass of yogurt. 
It is important to pour some wàter at the bottom of the glass  from time to time. 
The stocking  should be touching the water so that it can absorb it.

5. Place the doll somewhere sunny and let it grow!

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