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jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

Coloured Pasta Bracelets!


Pick the size and shape you like and put about 1/2 cup of dry pasta into a cup. 
Once the pasta is in the cups, cover the pasta with alcohol. Use enough alcohol to cover the pasta. 
The add 4 drops of food coloring to the alcohol and mix it a little bit. 

Let your pasta soak in the colored alcohol during all the night. 
The drain all the liquid of the cups and lay the pasta on a paper towl to dry. 
DO NOT rince the pasta with water. 
Makesure and spread the pasta out in a single layer so it can dry. 


Pass the thread inside the pasta.

Pass again the right thread inside the pasta for the left whole.

Whith the two parts of thread you have pass them inside the other piece of pasta (the thread from the right whole will be entered in the right whole of the other pasta and will go out by the left whole), like in the picture:

Repeat this and you will have you bracelet!!!!

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