El blog on podreu seguir les nostres classes amb KIDS... a l'acadèmia, a l'escola Pau Romeva, al Didac i a l'Oikia.

martes, 28 de junio de 2016

Second day: summer camp Idiomes Tarradellas

Tuesday 28 of June 2016:
First we woke up early to breakfast and went to do a gimcana in the village, we where looking for clues to discover the mystery of Jack Birdy(Jack Sparrow), there where nine test to find a clue.
Then we had lunch at 13:30, we had pink beans, some people liked them but others didn’t , the second plate was breaded chicken, all the people liked it.
In the afternoon we made postcards to sent for those parents explaining what we have done.
Then we went to the beach to play cricket and then had a swim with the waves.
Then we play around the house, had dinner and did this.
Xavi Armengol
Albert Pérez
Laia Llorens
Erin Soriano

The Lions.

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